Friday, January 24, 2020

Teaching Frederick Douglass in American School Systems Essay -- Freder

Teaching Frederick Douglass in American School Systems With the increasing popularity of educational standards and standardized testing many are beginning to ask, "What is the purpose of education?" Is the goal of education to fill students' minds with a curriculum of facts, or is it to prepare them to be productive members of society? If the answer to this question is the latter of those two, what do they need to know in order to be good citizens and how should that be taught? Tolerance is one issue that educators are leaning towards in their own curriculum. Over the years Americans have made advancements in the area of tolerance, yet there are still some presuppositions that lurk within society. The best way to deal with this issue is to educate people with the truth and provide them with opportunities to see the world through the eyes of one who is oppressed. Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself invites readers into the life of one who is oppressed so that they might s ee of how damaging intolerance is for those who are enslaved by its prejudices as well as those who hold those harsh sentiments. For this very reason Douglass serves as an excellent resource to personalize issues such as these and bring them into an academic light where teachers and students can open their minds to tolerating and defending differences. Douglass's Narrative brings an ugly era of American history to life as it weaves through his personal experiences with slavery, brutality, and escape. Most importantly Douglass reveals the real problem in slavery, which is the destructive nature of intolerance and the need for change. Douglass refers many times to the dehumanizing effects sla... ...s not solely about rote memorization and the three R's or anything else that can be tested with a bubble sheet test. Learning is about growing as a person and gaining meaningful experiences. This is the type of education students receive from Frederick Douglass. Works Cited Caporino, Grace M. and Rose A. Rudnitski. General Guidelines for Teaching about Intolerance and Genocide. Teaching for a Tolerant World. Ed. Judith P. Robertson. Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English, 1999. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. 1845, The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2003. 2032-2097. Young, Iris Marion. "Five Faces of Oppression." Readings for Diversity and Social Justice. Ed. Adams, M., et. Al. New York: Routledge, 2000.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Quantitative Research Theory Essay

The purpose of the quantitative method is used when measuring the incidence of multiple views and opinions in a singular chosen sample and how it may be used in nursing practice. The quantitative method is often followed by the qualitative method, used to observe further findings. Its objective is to appraise data and conclude results from sample populations of interest. Quantitative methods highlight the importance on objective measures and numerical analysis of data gathered through questionnaires, surveys, and/or surveys. This method of researching focuses on collecting numerical information and generalizing the data across groups of individuals. Quantitative research is an objective, formal, rigorous, systematic process for creating numerical data in regards to the world. The quantitative method of conducting research is often used to describe new situations, events, or concepts and determine the effectiveness of treatments in the world. There are four types of quantitative resea rch methods such as: descriptive research, correlation research, quasi-experimental research, and experimental research. Quantitative research is necessary in developing knowledge vital for evidence-based nursing practices. Conducting quantitative research requires rigor and control. Rigorous research provides credibility and worth. When collecting data disciplined techniques much like on-street interviews, online questionnaires, or telephone interviews should be used. Sampling sizes typically occur when using larger numbers of cases representing populations of interest, randomly selected respondents. Findings of statistical data are conclusive and definitive typically descriptive in its nature. Things to keep in mind when utilizing the quantitative method and reporting the results of a study. An explanation of the statistical treatment and data collected as relevant results are produced coinciding to the research issue under investigation. Chronologically log all unanticipated events that take place during the data collecting stage. Provide an explanation of the techniques used to gather and present v alid and credible data information. Select a sufficient  statistical procedure; provide an account for the selected use and references for such. Describe assumptions for all research procedures and the efforts taken to ensure that they haven’t been violated. If using presumed statistics, descriptive statistics should be provided, confidence intervals, and sample sizes for each variable to include the value of test statistics, the direction, the significance level, and the degrees of freedom. When avoiding the use of inferring causality in particular non-randomized designs or without additional experimentation. The use of tables to provide exact value uses figures conveying global effects. In quantitative research, the objective is to determine the connection between two things, the independent and dependent variable in populations. Its designs are either descriptive or experimental. The descriptive design subjects are typically measured once, whereas experimental subjects are measured before and after treatment. The descriptive study creates associations only between variables. The experimental design, however, establi shes causality. The main characteristics are to classify features, construct statistical models, and count them in an attempt to detail what has occurred and what is observed. The research deals in logic and the objective, numbers, focusing on logic, unchanging static data and detailed, convergent reasoning as oppose to divergent reasoning. Once data has been collected in the quantitative research method, decisions must be made on how the use of information gathered can be altered to offer recommendations. Individuals compare primary focuses on basic quantitative and qualitative methodologies; qualitative methodologies investigate categories and themes of collected input, while quantitative methodologies confirm validity and reliability of the gathered statistics. The objective of this form of research is to populate gaps with knowledge. This nature of knowing is referenced often as ontology versus epistemology. Ontology is in regards to the world’s existence and in what form. Epistemology is simply described as how you know what you know. In ontological quantitative methods, an altered reality occurs in which it can be measured and appreciated to a certain degree of efficiency. In epistemology quantitative research, the process is done through objective observations and measurements. Methodology research is subjective to various ethical implications. Aside from the element of deception that is included, individuals involved in a controlled group may  have a disadvantage when the outcome of treatment or interventions is unclear or believed to be underlying to existing regimens. There are ethical considerations dependent on the form of study. In example, if a study is done on evaluating the effectiveness of an epinephrine auto-injector. It would be unethical to withhold or deny interventions for individuals within the controlled group. The ethics of methodology research demands careful assessments of the benefits and risks that may occur and that information is gathered and delivered to participants during the process of gathering informed consent. A generalized guideline is viewed as â€Å"the degree of risk to be taken by those participating in the research should never exceed the potential humanitarian benefits of the knowledge to be gained†. In conclusion, the quantitative method measures the incidence of multiple views and opinions in a singular chosen sample. The quantitative method is sometimes followed by the qualitative research, which is used to observe further findings. The method of researching focuses on collecting numerical information and generalizing the data across groups of individuals. Reference Babbie, Earl R (2010). The Practice of Social Research. Retrieved from: Glesne, C. (2006). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction (3rd ed.). Retrieved from: Polit, D.F., Hungler, B.P. (1999) Nursing Research: Principles and Methods (6th ed).Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Snap Surveys (2014). Qualitative vs Quantitative Research. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to Disinfect Rainwater for Drinking

You can usually drink rain straight from the sky, but if youre collecting and storing it, youll want to disinfect rainwater for drinking and cleaning. Fortunately, there are simple disinfection methods to use, whether you have power or not. This is handy information to know in case youre stuck after a storm without water or youre out camping. The same techniques can be used to prepare snow for drinking, too. Quick Methods to Disinfect Water Boiling - Reduce pathogens by boiling water for 1 minute at a rolling boil or 3 minutes if youre at an altitude greater than 2,000 meters (6,562 feet). The longer boiling time at high altitude is because water boils at a lower temperature. The recommended duration comes from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). If you store freshly boiled water in sterile containers (which can be boiled) and seal them, the water will remain safe indefinitely. Bleach - For disinfection, add 2.3 fluid ounces of household bleach (sodium hypochlorite in water)  per 1,000 gallons of water (in other words, for a small volume of water, a splash of bleach is  more than sufficient). Allow 30 minutes for the chemicals to react.  It may seem obvious, but use unscented bleach since the scented sort includes perfumes and other undesirable chemicals.  Bleach dosage is not a hard-and-fast rule because its effectiveness depends on the temperature of the water and pH. Also, be aware that bleach may react with chemicals in the water to produce toxic gases (mostly a concern with turbid or cloudy water). Its not ideal to add bleach to water and immediately seal it in containers — its better to wait for any fumes to dissipate. Although drinking straight bleach is dangerous, the small concentration used to disinfect water isnt likely to cause problems.  Bleach dissipates within 24 hours.   Why Would You Disinfect Rainwater? The point of disinfection is to remove disease-causing microbes, which include bacteria, algae, and fungi. Rain generally doesnt contain any more microbes than any other drinking water (its often cleaner than groundwater or surface water), so its usually fine to drink or use for other purposes. If the water falls into a clean cistern or bucket, its still fine. In fact, most people who collect rainwater use it without applying any treatment. Microbial contamination of rain is less of a threat than toxins that might be in the water from surfaces it touched. However, those toxins require filtration or special treatment. What were talking about here is pure rain. Technically, you dont have to disinfect it, but most public agencies recommend taking the extra precaution to prevent illness. Ways to Disinfect Water There are four broad categories of disinfection methods: heat, filtration, irradiation, and chemical methods. Boiling water is an excellent method, but obviously, it only helps if you have a heat source. Boiling water can kill some pathogens, but it does not remove heavy metals, nitrate, pesticides, or other chemical contamination.Chlorine, iodine, and ozone are most often used for chemical disinfection. Chlorination can leave potentially toxic by-products, plus it doesnt kill all cysts or viruses. Iodination is effective, but leaves an unpleasant taste. Use of iodine is not recommended when preparing water for pregnant women or people with thyroid problems.  Adding ozone is effective, but not widely available.Irradiation is accomplished using an ultraviolet light or exposure to strong sunlight. UV light kills bacteria and viruses, but doesnt kill all the algae or cysts of pathogenic organisms. Sunlight is effective if the water is sufficiently clear, the light is bright enough, and the water is exposed to light long enough. There are too many variables to give firm recommendations on use of this method.Microfiltration effectiveness depends on the pore size of the filter. The smaller the pore size, the better the filtration, but its also slower. This technique removes all pathogens. Other techniques are becoming more widespread, including electrolysis, nano-alumina filtration, and LED irradiation.