Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Water - Wine - Milk - Beer Chemistry Demonstration

Water - Wine - Milk - Beer Chemistry Demonstration Chemistry demonstrations in which solutions appear to magically change color leave a lasting impression on students and help instill an interest in science. Heres a color change demo in which a solution seems to change from water to wine to milk to beer simply be being poured into the appropriate beverage glass. Difficulty: Average Time Required: Prepare the solutions in advance; demo time is up to you Heres How: First, prepare the glassware, since this demonstration relies on the presence of chemicals added to the glasses before the water is added.For the water glass: Fill the glass about 3/4 full of distilled water. Add 20-25 ml of saturated sodium bicarbonate with 20% sodium carbonate solution. The solution should have a pH 9.Place a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator in the bottom of the wine glass.Pour ~10 ml saturated barium chloride solution into the bottom of the milk glass.Place a very small number of crystals of sodium dichromate into the beer mug. Up to this point, the set-up can be performed in advance of the demonstration. Just prior to performing the demo, add 5 ml concentrated HCl to the beer mug.To perform the demonstration, simply pour the solution from the water glass into the wine glass. Pour the resulting solution into the milk glass. This solution is finally poured into the beer mug. Tips: Use goggles, gloves, and proper safety precautions when making the solutions and handling the chemicals. In particular, use caution with the conc. HCl, which can cause a serious acid burn.Avoid accidents! If you are using real drinking glasses, please reserve this glassware solely for this demonstration and take care that the prepared glassware is kept away from children/pets/etc. As always, label your glassware, too. What You Need: distilled water saturated sodium bicarbonate; 20% sodium carbonate ph9phenolphthalein indicatorsaturated barium chloride solution (aqueous)crystals of sodium dichromateconcentrated hydrochloric acidwater glasswine glassmilk glassbeer mug

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The 4 most popular job boards for nurses

The 4 most popular job boards for nurses Niche job boards for nurses have one thing in common - they help connect the right nurses with the right employers. Beyond that, there’s a lot of variation among the most popular ones with the highest traffic.  Some job seekers want to get in, find a job that they want, and get back out again. But others enjoy resources that help them with their career. From the employer’s standpoint, efficiency and resources count, too. Both sides are the job board’s target audience, just in different ways.  The most popular job boards have a few things in common, but the experience is quite different from one to another. Here’s how each of them serves their audience:Nurse.com Offers a Wealth of Jobs and Resources  Nurse.com  is one of the largest, if not the largest, nurse-specific job board. The tagline reads, â€Å"Where the nurses are,† and that appears to be true. Professionals from every facet of nursing can find what they’re looking for.  F rom the first moment, the user is given opportunities to navigate anywhere on the website. Featured prominently is a job search tool that offers ways to narrow the search focus, giving more relevant results.Some jobs are featured on the homepage, but the others are easy to find. This is a busy website, but it’s also clean and easy to navigate. There are a lot of options from which to choose, but it’s set up logically.  Nurse.com has several resources for nurses. Aside from the â€Å"Jobs† tab, resources for education topics, news (both national and regional), events, and awards are accessible with a click. This job board offers plenty of relevant content for users, which could account for some of its popularity.  There is a resume and profile creator link on the home page, too, as well as relevant links for employer resources.  One confusing part of the site is an icon that’s normally used to indicate a chat feature. But clicking the link directs us ers to the Nurse.com blog, which is written by contributing nurse professionals. The blog covers topics ranging from stress management to nursing ethics. NursingJobs.com Caters to Travel Nurses, and More  Nursingjobs.com  connects travel nurse professionals with the employers who need them, but it also has an option for finding permanent jobs.  The landing page lets users choose an access point as an employer who wants to post a job, or as a nurse looking for a job. Job seekers enter info into a keyword job search or employee search first, then  they are directed into the site.  Job listings are streamlined at NursingJobs.com, listed in a column format that shows the job title, Job ID number, job type (primarily travel nurses), location, job duration, and the employer.  Under the Career Options tab, job seekers can build a profile of the job they want, and get alerts when something comes available.  There is a Career Resources tab, which links to articles on topics rel evant to nursing professionals, such as interview tips. There’s also a mobile app, which is important with an increasingly mobile job seeker community.  On the employer’s side of the website, the setup is a bit different. There are resources that apply to employers, such as how to set up a profile, instructions on posting jobs, and testimonials from other employers.Nurse Recruiter Puts the Job Search at the Forefront  Nurse Recruiter  is very streamlined, with a heavy focus on getting right down to business. There’s a â€Å"register now† button at the top that lets nursing professionals create a profile to assist with the job search. It also has a â€Å"rapid apply mini-resume† button.  This website is heavy on the job search, with just a sprinkling of content.  Three options are available as points of access: Nurses, travel nurses, and employers. Each requires registration, but users can navigate through that by clicking on the image ins tead of registering. Only then can users access materials that are relevant to each area.  Nurse Recruiter isn’t as approachable or user-friendly as some of the other nurse job boards. Users need to work a bit harder than necessary to find content. But if the job search is the only reason for the visit, it fits the bill.HealtheCareers Healthcare Industry Job Board Caters to Nurses, Too  Healthecareers  isn’t a nurse-specific, it caters to healthcare in general, but it’s a large resource for nursing jobs. A search tool features prominently at the top to help users get started.  Across the top of the main page, there are tabs for accessing a wealth of content. One of those is a link to jobs, which lets users get right down to business. But other tabs include an overall resources link to a summary of new topics, and links to newsletters, articles, and blog posts separately.  The starred rating box is different from the other job boards. It lets users give feedback without interrupting the website experience. That’s a plus for the user, and for the job board owner.  Although Healthecareers isn’t dedicated to nurses only, the blog has a heavy nursing focus. There are posts on interview tips, student loan repayment options, and dealing with the stress of nursing.  If you’re a nursing professional looking to jumpstart your career, these job boards will be the perfect place to start your search!