Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cultural Traditions Report The American And Mexican...

Cultural Traditions Report The American and Mexican cultures celebrate May 5th with festivities, food, and drinks. One might wonder, why we celebrate this day. Well, May 5th, otherwise known as Cinco de Mayo in Spanish, commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over France in the Battle of Puebla during the French-Mexican war in the 1800’s. While this culture tradition has been adopted and popularized in America, it is still celebrated in Mexico. The day is spent with festivities, food, and drinks. In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is mostly celebrated in Puebla; however, there are other parts of Mexico who celebrate as well. Furthermore, there are many Mexican-American communities in the United States, primarily in California. This traditional holiday has been widely celebrated in the States, and is celebrated with parades, mariachi music, as well as food and drinks like tacos, tamales, cerveza, and margaritas. Cinco de Mayo is surprisingly a more popular tradition in the United States than it is in Mexico. However, many people often confuse this celebration as Mexico’s Independence Day, which is actually celebrated in September. The French tried invading Mexico, as they were too poor of a country to pay its debts. To everyone’s surprise, the Mexican troops who were fighting on that day, ended up victorious in the Battle of Puebla. However, they had lost Mexico City. This is where the United States comes into play. They aligned with Mexico and helped push the French out of MexicoShow MoreRelatedMexican Americans Essay1102 Words   |  5 Pagesadvocated the suspension of immigration and the deportation of non-Americans (Wisconsin Historical Society). Mexican American history was shaped by several bills in Congress and efforts to deport all non-Americans from the United States. The United States was home to several Spanish-origin groups, prior to the Declaration of Independence. The term â€Å"Mexican American† was a label used to describe a number of Hispanic American groups that were diverse and distinct from each other (Healey). BetweenRead MoreCultural Pluralism And Its Effects On Americ an Culture1490 Words   |  6 Pages THE MODERN ERA In 2014, 35 million Americans identified as Hispanic, of whom 64 percent said they had Mexican heritage - almost 11 percent of the total population. As birthrates for Hispanics exceed those of Anglos, demographers estimate that by 2042 non-Hispanic whites will be a numerical minority in the United States. At the beginning of this century, there were twenty-one states where Hispanics were the largest ethnic minority. As a consequence, the nature of assimilation – historically a conflictingRead MoreCultural And Institutional Environments Of Mexico1183 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION The following report analyzes cultural and institutional environments of Mexico and how they can affect HR practices of global companies. It is intended to help companies that want to operate in Mexico gain a better understanding of the country and become prepared for potential issues and conflicts that might be brought by cultural and institutional differences between Mexico and the companies’ home countries. The report consists of four parts: country introduction, culture, institutional factorsRead MoreThe Mexican American Hispanic Patient1575 Words   |  7 Pagestheir own culture with their own beliefs and attitudes about the care that’s delivered and the patients whom they serve. Because there are significant barriers to health care for Hispanics, particularly those that are Mexican-American, in order to provide culturally competent care, the professional nurse must implement effective communication, convey respect to the patient, and take a thorough health histor y from each patient. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the background of the Mexican-AmericanRead MoreUnderstanding A Culture Is A Complex Task For Anyone1534 Words   |  7 Pages Understanding another culture is a complex task for anyone. Culture includes all parts of life such as beliefs, art, music, morals, value system and their rules, religion and philosophy, interactions with family, behavioral pattern, practices of reading children, leisure and recreational activities, ceremonies and rituals, nutrition, food preferences, and practices of health (Blais, Hayes, 2016). In America the those of Hispanics origin are a fast growing population especially in CaliforniaRead MoreVitro Corning1728 Words   |  7 Pagesthe joint venture became subject to a series of cultural and other conflicts that began to undermine this vision. According to company officials and external analysts, cultural differences were a principal cause of the alliance s failure. Therefore, lack of fully understanding Mexico culture is the key predisposition of Corning s strategy. What is culture? One of the well-accepted definitions is given by Goodenough (1971), who has defined culture as a set of beliefs or standards, shared by a groupRead MoreHeritage Assessment1503 Words   |  7 PagesAssessment of Hispanic, Asian and African American Families B.Cohran Grand Canyon University The Heritage Assessment of Hispanic, Asian and African American Families The Heritage Assessment Tool (HST) is used to â€Å"investigate a given patient’s or your own ethnic, cultural, and religious heritage†¦it can help determine how deeply a given person identifies with a particular tradition†. ( This assessment of 29 questions based on family, social, cultural, religious and immigration historyRead MoreImmigrants From Latin America s Annexation Of Mexico Essay1544 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States are usually perceived in terms of their home nation, (e.g., Cuban Americans or Mexican Americans). Similarly, to European and Asian immigrants who were labeled as Italian Americans, Polish Americans, German Americans and Asian American’s. Currently, the tide of immigrants from Central and South America has increased substantially causing them to become the nation’s largest minority, bringing with them their culture, language, beliefs, and work ethics. Read MoreB.Machismo, Marianismo Familismo . Machismo, Marianismo1049 Words   |  5 PagesB. Machismo, Marianismo Familismo Machismo, Marianismo and familismo are central to Latino culture, and all three can increase the likelihood of IPV in Latina immigrants. Machismo and its female counterpart marianismo are held as the â€Å"ideal† male and female gender roles in traditional Latino culture. These Latino cultural traditions are two-sided; machismo and marianismo can be viewed as positive qualities, however, they can also allow for an unfair balance of power between partners. StevensRead MoreParadoxes Of Culture And Globalization1185 Words   |  5 PagesParadoxes of Culture and Globalization What is a culture and why are there so many definitions of a culture? Does it matter? Is it rapidly changing? An how does globalization impact a culture? During my research I have found many definitions of a culture, but the most admired one that was mentioned by Martin Gannon in his book of Paradoxes of Culture and Globalization. He indicates that a culture is defined by two famous anthropologists, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn, who have studied more

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What It Means to Be an Nco - 1184 Words

An NCO in my eyes is first most a leader, someone that has his soldiers back, there to protect and defend them, mentor them, and guide them into being NCOs themselves one day. As an NCO you need to be able to share your knowledge with younger soldiers, teach them the ways of the Army, let them not only learn from their mistakes, but from the ones we have made along the way as well. An NCO needs to be able to trust in his soldiers, but more importantly, soldiers need to be able to trust their NCOs. How can a soldier follow us into battle if they cannot trust us with the smaller things? How can a soldier turn to you in confidence with an issue that they have if they can’t even trust you, as an NCO, to have their back about something small†¦show more content†¦Because although we thought no one was watching, our soldiers were watching us. Now they have a different opinion of us as an NCO, as a leader, as their mentor. It may not be a big deal, but in the back of their mi nds they have that small amount of doubt in us and our decision making. Maybe one day it comes back around and they tell you hey remember that time when you ... or maybe they don’t come out and tell you, but they just hold it against you and talk bad about you behind your back. As an NCO, we need to be the best. Our integrity should not falter. NCOs are the backbone of the Army, and our Integrity should be our backbone. Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Most people define integrity as doing what is right, legally and morally. To be willing to do what is right even no one is looking. Integrity is our moral compass. The Army mentions Integrity as one of its core values because it requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others. As your integrity grows, so does the trust others place in you. The more choices you make based on integrity, the more this highly prized value will affect your relationships with family and friends, your soldiers and, finally, the fundamental acceptance of yourself. I am not proud of what I did for which IShow MoreRelatedWhat It Means to Be an Nco907 Words   |  4 Pagesdence, the abilities to listen and communicate, and a view of the larger picture are all skills required of a noncommissioned offi cer (NCO). The mission of an NCO is to fulfi ll what we call the â€Å"backbone† of the Army. We are individuals who can hear and understand a mission and then take the necessary steps to make it happen. It is an honor to serve as an NCO because I take pride in leading my Soldiers to success. I take pride in contributing to the wider goals of my unit by helping other peopleRead MoreWhat Does It Mean To Be An Nco Essay750 Words   |  3 PagesWhat it Means to Be an NCOEvery year, thousands of newly promoted Non-Commissioned Officers embark on their journey of determining what it means to be an NCO. There is several attributes and competencies outlined in ADP 6-22, for example a leader should have great character, presence, and intellect. This is all very true but to be a great NCO you need to fully understand and find what works for you to be an effective leader. I’ve spent some time thinking what it means to me to be an NCO and I willRead MoreNco of Marines810 Words   |  4 PagesWhat does ot mean to me what a marine NCO is First off i would like to state a well known quote known by all Marines, Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs) are the backbone of the United States Marine Corps. Without the NCOs the Marine Corps could not function. This quote alone holds a great deal of history as well as gives a brief discription of what a Marine NCO truely is. NCOs execute all orders and lead their fellow Marines. An NCO will go out of his or her way in order to aid, or takeRead MoreRole of a Nco1428 Words   |  6 Pagesdomains), there are NCOs from all branches that I hope will learn something. Keep in mind that my comments are geared more towards the Army realm, but the basics are service wide. I’m not going to speak about the officers, just the NCOs. In my mind there are two types of people that attain the grade E5: Sergeants and NCOs. Some people will probably disagree with me about which definition is better. In the mind of CJ, anyone can be a sergeant. But, it takes a leader to be an NCO. The reason I sayRead MoreEvaluation Of A Officer And Ranger Creed1547 Words   |  7 Pagesdevelopment of our NCO Corps, I take this opportunity to communicate with you. This memorandum will be given to each newly assigned NCO upon arrival in the command, as well as those individuals who are newly promoted into our Corps. 2. I think it is only fair to you as an NCO that I as your Platoon Sergeant, state the standards the Platoon Leader and I expect of you. Before I state these standards, I want you to fully understand how I see MOS and length of service. I do not expect a junior NCO to be asRead MoreIncreasing the Empowerment of the American NCO over Time1694 Words   |  7 PagesThe Increasing Empowerment of the American NCO Over Time Introduction Over the course of time, the non-commissioned officer (or NCO) in America has been given more and more power. There are three important factors that have caused this, including (a) increased responsibility, (b) discipline issues, and (c) an increased number of conflicts (Dupuy, 1992; Spade, 2011). In other words, NCOs have simply needed to take on more work, especially as more conflicts throughout the world have resulted inRead MoreEssay about Disrepect1600 Words   |  7 Pagesconsequences should be expected. More reference links: 317 words Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do. NCOs are responsible to fulfill not only their individual duties, but also to ensuretheir teams and units are successful. Any duty, because of the position you hold in the unit, includes a responsibility to execute that duty. As an NCO, you are accountable for your personal conduct and that of your soldiers. Also, each soldier is individually responsibleRead MoreRespect for Ncos886 Words   |  4 PagesRespect and what it means By: -PFC- C, Mullins Respect it is something everyone wants, not many have, and few will give. Some people would appreciate having a little bit of respect from others, and some should make efforts to show some more respect. Unfortunately, this does not happen all the time. Maybe this is because respect is not clearly understood. What is respect? The dictionary defines it as an act of giving particular attention or high or special regard. Another definition shows respectRead MoreDuties of an Nco1258 Words   |  6 Pagesand responsibility of NCOs. No one in the Army has more to do with training soldiers than NCOs. Well trained soldiers will likely succeed and survive on the battlefield. Well trained soldiers properly do the tasks their NCOs give them. A good leader executes the bosss decisions with energy and enthusiasm; looking at their leader, soldiers will believe the leader thinks its absolutely the best possible solution. There may be situations you must think carefully about what youre told to do. ForRead MoreThe Ncoer1444 Words   |  6 Pagesas a First Sergeant. I was appalled to learn that leaders and raters are writing inaccurate and irrelevant NCOERs and making them less effective, because NCOs are not applying themselves. NCOs expect to be evaluated fairly, objectively, and want to be receiving an NCOER that will allow them to excel for further promotion and assignments. An NCO wants to have the faith that their rater is competent enough to give them a proper rating, good or bad, on their performance. The visual information career

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On Cultural Identity - 1156 Words

Developmental Psychologists have long professed the importance of developing one’s own identity. This identity should have many aspects which are largely independent of one another. These can include a spiritual identity, a political identity, and a cultural identity. It is for this reason that when Americans should ask themselves: What is American? To probe this question we should not only consult ourselves, but consult the great writers of our nation’s genesis. In my piece: â€Å"Letters from An American College Student†, I address this question using the words and structure of a great American writer: J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur, a french born man who immigrated to the young United States and whose writing depicted for Europe life in the†¦show more content†¦The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe.† This may have all been true of an America in its infancy, however America as it is now, I don’t think this is completely true. So in my piece I write: â€Å"Now here exist great lords who possess every thing and of a herd of people who have nothing. Here are also aristocratical families, courts, great manufacturers employing thousands, and the rich and the poor are so far removed from each other it is as if they live in completely different country.† I believe that those with wealth have gained so much power and influence over this country that they have achieved a level of unprecedented control. I also feel that those who are on the top often have only the goal of staying on top, and rarely use their money or their power to make our world a better one. Those who are poor are kept in a vicious cycle of poverty and live in a completely different life from those with money. My adaption of what Crevecoeur said shows this difference between the New World and the United States today. However, I also write: â€Å"†¦to our credit, there are no kings or princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed.† This remains true to some of what Crevecoeur felt was unique about America. I agree with him here and feel it continues to be true that we are a free people and answer to no kings or lords. In my piece: Letters from an AmericanShow MoreRelatedCultural Identity Essay790 Words   |  4 Pagesprocess by which a person becomes all that they were created capable of being.† Cultural identity can be expressed through things like family values, ethnicity, and environment. Morals and opinions can be affected by the person’s views on the world and others. One’s culture occasionally informs the way one views others and the world because it can create or change your cultural identity, and develop one’s personal identity, which is illustrated in values and influences, this idea is supported by literatureRead MoreEssay On Cultural Identity811 Words   |  4 PagesOur cultural identity is defined by our heritage. More specifically, cu lture can be defined in relation to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, or region. It gives us a sense of belonging that supports our overall wellbeing. Special consideration should be placed on the culture of others when caring for them. â€Å"Different cultures express care and caring in different ways and it is incumbent upon health care professionals worldwide to understand and incorporate innovative and varied transculturalRead MoreEssay On Cultural Identity1373 Words   |  6 PagesCulture is the way of life of a group of people living in a particular region at a given time. The identity of people s culture is often defined by their characteristics in consideration of their language, customs, laws, cuisine, and beliefs. According to Duyvesteyn (2011), cultures are developed over time through processes such as learning, sharing, interpretation of symbols, integration of ideas, and accommodation of changes. A language is the written or spoken method that people utilize inRead MoreEssay On Cultural Identity1114 Words   |  5 PagesCulture identity development is an important part of every life due the emergence of self through primary and sociocultural contexts (Ecklund, 2016). These stages of development are made up of either a dominant or a non-dominant group and intersectional adaptation. More specifically, cultural identity is a self-construct where individuals share the same culture, which causes them to attribute themselves to that group (Ecklund, 2016). Being a part of the dominant culture in the United States has openedRead MoreCultural Identity Essay769 Words   |  4 Pageskinds, Cultural identity was a big deal. They have perfect examples of how cultural identity affects the way people view the world. These stories show and tell how people that have cultural pressure affect people and how they view the world. Cultural identity plays a hard role in these stories , telling h ow some people cant be what their want them to be . In my opinion , i feel like some kids and teens should be what they want and not what their parents say. Firstly, cultural identity isRead MoreCultural Identity Essay945 Words   |  4 PagesCultural Identity A cultural identity is the sense of belonging to a particular group and the influence said group has over an individual. In clinical therapy, it is important to be aware of a client’s cultural identity, as well as the cultural identity of the therapist. Both a client and the therapist can experience biases from their cultural identities so it is crucial for the therapist, in particular, to be conscious of that to not inadvertently invalidate or offend the client. It is also importantRead MoreMy Cultural Identity Essay1258 Words   |  6 PagesCultural Identity Essay Krishal Sharma | Period: 2 | 9/15/17#1 Everyone has their own, one of a kind cultural identity and culture. Your culture could be anything like an interest in technology or what hobbies you like even food. My cultural identity would not exist if it wasn t for what I value the most and what I love the most. In the world, nowadays people like a lot of things such as music. But what I like is completely different, There is one that influences my cultural identity andRead MoreIdentity Essay : My Cultural Identity1393 Words   |  6 PagesMy Cultural Identity My cultural identity stems from my countless brave ancestors that made the journey to the United States many eons ago. Since then, every generation has impacted our original customs. As the years passed on, so did behaviors and other tendencies. These have eventually made their way throughout the entire family tree and down to my generation. Now, as a social work student, I am forced to face these behaviors head on and even challenge them. Two Stories of ImmigrationRead MoreIdentity Essay : My Cultural Identity794 Words   |  4 PagesCulture Identity is part of a person’s self-conception and self-perception. It is equivalent to nationality , religion , ethnicity , social class and different generations. When it comes to cultural identity it has to do with you individually or socially . Socially or individually, one’s culture defines who they are as an individual person . My culture identity is composed of several different aspects of my life like the way I dress , my personality, and my family traditions. To begin with , theRead MoreRole Of Cultural Identity Essay1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe Role of Cultural Background Our society is highly influenced by what our cultural backgrounds have taught us to believe. While there are plenty of positive ideas, there are also an unhealthy amount of negative ones. Unfortunately, more people follow along with the negative than the positive, which has been causing major conflicts around the world for centuries. Many believe that one s cultural background will not affect their views on others with the fact that not everyone follows the beliefs

Virgini The Problem Child - 977 Words

Virginia: The Problem Child Virginia and New England are both English colonies, but are very different in their beginnings, resulting in a huge difference between the towns themselves in the future. The differences are directly linked to the original purpose of each town. One was a short-sighted gold mine, and the other, a new community for families. Though Virginia was only intended to be a money source for young, single men, it eventually became America’s earliest slave society. This all started with the fact that the men who came over to Jamestown were all gentry, and refused to get their hands dirty. For a while, they simply didn’t bother working, but when things got bad, they turned to indentured servitude. The indentured servants were primarily English for most of the seventeenth century, with a splash of Africans, Irish and Indians here and there. When the Headright system stopped working, the Virginia Company actually tricked people into coming to America to work to death. They’d offer the common people a contract, confirming they would work for a set amount of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia from England, as well as food, clothing and shelter when they arrived. But they’d work them so intensely during servitude, the number of people who made it to freedom was miniscule. Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 is considered the turning point in time that caused slaves to be a necessity. Virginia militiamen chased the Doeg Indians up north, and then attacked theShow MoreRelatedVirgini The Problem Child985 Words   |  4 PagesVirginia: The Problem Child Virginia and New England are both English colonies, but are very different in their beginnings, resulting in a huge difference between the towns themselves in the future. The differences are directly linked to the original purpose of each town. One was a short-sighted gold mine, and the other, a new community for families. Though Virginia was only intended to be a money source for young, single men, it eventually became America’s earliest slave society. This all startedRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesmanuscripts of alIstamà ¢tà ®s. The metals from which the incense vessels must be made do not in all cases correspond with the traditional planetary metals, as stated above in Book II, chapter 10 (pp.213-37). Next there is an account of other Sabian rites, child sacrifice, the worship of Mars by ritual slaughter, the initiation of young men, offerings to Saturn and a variant of the story, given in Book II, chapter 12, of the severance of a living head from its body (pp. 237-41). Chapter 8 contains prayers

What Absolutely Everybody Is Saying About Writing College Essay Samples and What You Have to Do

What Absolutely Everybody Is Saying About Writing College Essay Samples and What You Have to Do Writing College Essay Samples - the Story Each of our writers has what it requires to aid you with your task and supply you with a great essay. Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. Before you even begin writing the content of your college essay, there are a number of essay writing basic guide that you need to always bear in mind. You'll observe a similar structure in lots of the essays. A Secret Weapon for Writing College Essay Samples Thus, the essay is supposed to coincide with the applicant's qualities and interests in order for it to boost the possibilities of admission. Professor Mitchell obtained a grant to have a category of students to Belgium as a way to study the EU. Doing this, nevertheless, is not simple. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Writing Colleg e Essay Samples Various things to various individuals, since the situation demanded. From time to time, the best method to learn and understand new information is via seeing and understanding work which is already completed. From time to time, even when you're writing about an interesting, relevant subject, you can nonetheless look immature or unready for college life on account of the manner in which you present that topic the way you really write your individual statement. Also, keep in mind that no college is eager to admit a person who is too close-minded to gain from being taught by other people. Writing College Essay Samples for Dummies These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. Therefore, should you wish to examine some remarkable papers before starting to work all on your own, read some of the usual application essay samples. Our samples are supposed to set you apart by aiding you to write superior papers and essays. Within this sect ion you will locate samples of essays belonging to different essay types and manners of formatting. The Ugly Side of Writing College Essay Samples There are lots of solutions to your essay writing needs on the web but some are much better than others. A few of the benefits which you can get when you hire our services incorporate the next. We're an online writing service provider, with over six decades of providing writing help to students around the world for a reasonable price. Perhaps you are reluctant to find help because you were once conned by means of a scam on-line help. When you have a look at the outline of the essay and see the manner in which every particular section is introduced, you get a firm grasp of the way to do an excellent job. The very first step is deciding which type of essay that you want to write. Keep in mind, you must create a great impression. Therefore, if you begin with a terrible topic, not only will you wind up with a poor essay, but you ri sk ruining the superior impression that the remainder of your application makes. It's extremely important to demonstrate your capacity to be an in depth observer of the planet, since that will be one of your key jobs as a college student. If you're going to include details that could directly hit the requirements of the school, then it is easy to get the approvalA that you have to be accepted for enrollment. Some undesirable topics show admissions officers you don't have a superior awareness of judgment or maturity, which is a problem as they are building a category of college students who have in order to deal with independent life on campus. College is the very best place you will meet people because you've got a lot in common. Ruthless Writing College Essay Samples Strategies Exploited For a beginning, the typical application essay topics need you to use language that's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. More frequently than not, deadlines for submit ting applications are almost always short which makes many prospective applicants worry they will be unable to submit their sample essay for MBA application in time. For example, there is not any suitable means of drafting a college application essay. Your college application essay is the solution. Writing College Essay Samples Fundamentals Explained The duration of your essay is not what universities start looking for. It's also hard to get right. I'll also describe how to recognize bad college essays and what things to do to if you wind up creating one by accident. Despite exceptional grades, a poorly written essay gives you a poor name. Besides having an exceptional SAT score, you would have to develop the ideal college essay. It will cause you to look sloppy and uninterested. Therefore, students should concentrate on the key points rather than generalizing on all of the info. He replied right away and explained he'd definitely suggest that, especially due to the fant astic friendships he'd made. However, obtaining a trustworthy and trustworthy company that's well worth the reputation will assist you in lots of ways. My experience in college gave me the opportunity to sharpen my skills within the field of my pick. The One Thing to Do for Writing College Essay Samples Make certain the concluding part of your essay isn't dry. The essay offers you an opportunity to reveal how effectively you are able to read and comprehend a passage and compose an essay analyzing the passage. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. The New Fuss About Writing College Essay Samples In this column, you are going to discover simple actions you may use to format your college essay like a pro. Consequently, college essay writing help stipulates the next ten strategies for crafting an essay. Developing a good college essay may lose its purpose in the event the content of what you've written is not what the university is asking for. Writing a college essay by picking an appropriate topic and accomplishing each and every requirement actually is a very painstaking job for you. Essays which don't demonstrate these qualities are usually experiencing tone-deafness. Essay samples allow you to acknowledge the manner in which an amazing writer blends theoretical and practical facets. Also, humor isn't a replacement for substance. Utilize your essay to demonstrate that you're thoughtful and mature, your personality has depth. 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Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Skills for Nurs

Questions: 1. Describe the key interpersonal skills you would have used in this interview to engage with Amelia? 2. The doctor stated that Amelia has symptoms of a psychosis. Using correct clinical terms, describe three important signs and symptoms from the scenario that you agree would support the doctors clinical opinion? 3. The doctor prescribed 5mg olanzapine nocte` for Amelia. Describe the education you will need to provide to her before she leaves the clinic? 4. Explain why you would need to ensure adequate support for Amelia before she leaves the clinic? Answers: 1. In order to carry out an objective interview, the nurse will have to apply effective interpersonal skills. The interview process can be successful if done using interpersonal communication skills. Interpersonal communication is a face-to-face communication process in which individuals use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to communicate to one another. Effective interpersonal communication can help in creating a cordial and healthy relationship between individuals (Bylund, Peterson Cameron, 2012). First and foremost, the nurse will have to apply listening skills. The practitioner will do his best to be a good and critical listener. From her presentation, Amelia appears to be a troubled patient. She has lots of psychological challenges that need to be addressed with lots of keenness. Therefore, when interviewing her, the provider will have to critically listen to her (Arnold Boggs, 2015). This will be done by giving her enough time to express herself and allow her to talk without unnecessarily interrupting her. When she talks, the nurse will listen to her so as to understand her statements. Critical listening is a good strategy that can enable the nurse to win the confidence of the client and establish a good rapport with her right from the beginning up to the very end of the interview. Besides, the practitioner will apply a combination of verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Since it will be a face-to-face interaction, the nurse will have to make a proper use of verbal communication skills. Here, the practitioner will strive to make a proper choice of language by choosing to deliberately use simple words that can be easily understood by the client (Cobley Schulz, 2013). Meaning, the nurse will not use any unnecessary jargons that can confuse the client or complicate the interview process. At the same time, the practitioner will have to speak loudly and use an appropriate rate of articulation to speak to the client. Audibility is important because it will allow the client to understand all the questions with less constraint. Meanwhile, the healthcare provider will make a proper and careful use of the non-verbal cues such as facial expression, body movement, and gestures (Craig, 2013). Finally, the interviewer will use assertion, negotiation, decision-making, questioning and persuasion skills to appeal to the client to cooperate and provoke her to respond to the questions. Amelia is like any other mentally-ill patient who has a wide range of physical and psychological needs to address. Therefore, when interviewing her, the interviewer will have to use the expertise to actively engage her and get the responses for the questions asked (Dawson, Bernstein, Wilkins 3. Psychosis is a mental disorder that can be managed and treated if appropriate interventions are provided. After her timely diagnosis, Amelia has been prescribed with 5mg olazapinenoctre. This medication was prescribed because it is the most appropriate in addressing the patients psychotic condition. Therefore, being in charge of the patient, the nurse will perfectly do the job of providing her with all the necessary support. Apart from assessing her, the practitioner will provide the patient with adequate training. The nurse has to teach the patient many lessons regarding medication. The first thing to teach about is the type of medication prescribed and the significant contributions it will make in the life of the patient. The nurse will sensitize the patient that the medication is good because it will enable her to manage and control her condition no matter how difficult it might be (Schlicht, et al., 2013). She needs to be acquainted with this information because it will enable her to appreciate the drug because it is prescribed for her own benefit. The knowledge on the role of drug will convince the patient to consider taking it as prescribed. Amelia is to be educated on the usage of drugs. Amelia should not be like other patients who do not comply with medications. The nurse will have to sensitize the patient to comply with the prescribed dosage so as to enable her to use the medication as required without any unnecessary over or under use (Morse, Salyerslins, 2012). She should be taught that her all drugs prescribed to the patients are supposed to be administered as directed by the physician. The patient needs to acknowledge that a physician is an expert who gives prescriptions because it is for the good of the patient. Therefore, the patient should also be actively involved in the management of her condition (Leontjevas, et al., 2013).The other thing to do is teach the client is about the side effects of the drugs. Amelia should be left to know that the drug should be used by following all the instructions because of the side effects that might affect her. The teaching given to the patient will empower her todevelop self-management skills.It can be valuable if the patient masters self-management skills because it can enable her to be actively involved in improving her condition (Braithwaite Schrods, 2014). The teachings will also enable her to improve her social skills and start relating so well with her family, colleagues, friends, and all the other people in her community. This kind of acceptance will facilitate her recovery process. 4. The diagnosis of Amelia with a psychosis shows that she has a combination of physical and mental challenges that need to be addressed. First and foremost, the patient should be commended for taking a bold step to come to the facility to seek for medical service. Her cooperation with the physician demonstrates that she is aware of her mental condition and interested in gaining stability. Therefore, after her diagnosis, she should take the necessary measures to give the patient all the support that she requires (Palagini, GemignaniGuazzelli, 2012). The first support to offer to Amelia is psychological assistance. Psychosis causes stress, anxiety and depression. These are challenges that require a well organized emotional support. Therefore, the practitioner will not only interview, but provide her with all the support that can be managed. The practitioner should counsel her and give her all the necessary psychological support. The provider shouldexplain to the patient that she has a mental disorder that requires a medical intervention. During the counseling, the nurse should try to let her understand and accept her condition. Acceptance should be the initial step that will guarantee her a quick recovery (Fairman, Rowe, Hassmiller Shalala, 2011). The nurse cannot fail to adequately support the patient because this is her first visit at the facility. The kind of support given to her will enable the patient to have faith in the services and accept to be served until she recovers. The other support that will be given to Amelia is an opportunity to be provided with holistic care by a team of professionals. As a professional, the nurseshould believe in interdisciplinary collaboration. Meaning, when attending to the clients, she ensure that she cooperate with all the other practitioners who can, in one way or the other, contribute towards the improvement of her health (Bogner, et al., 2016). So, after engaging on a one-on-one interview, the nurse will create a good relationship that will inspire her to have confidence in our services. Moreover, after counseling her, the nurse will refer her to the mental health professionals including a social worker, occupational therapist, psychiatrist, and psychologist to attend to her (Anderson, et al., 2016). These professionals will provide the patient with a high quality therapy services to enable her improve her condition. It is recommended to collaborate with these professionals because they are knowledgeable and know th e kind of therapy to offer the patient (Harrison, Hauck Hoffman, 2014). The patients psychotic condition is in the early stages and can be effectively managed if appropriate psychological approach is delivered. References Anderson, J. G., et al., (2016). Examination of the perceptions of registered nurses regarding the use of Healing Touch in the acute care setting. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 34(2), 167- 176. Barlow, D., (2012).The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology.New York: Oxford University Press. Arnold, E.C. Boggs, K.U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Bogner, H.R., et al., (2016). 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